BIOSWITCH pan-European matchmaking


BIOSWITCH pan-European matchmaking

BIOSWITCH hosted an online pan-European matchmaking event on September 21, 2021, organised by Food and Bio Cluster Denmark with the support of all the partners.

Prior to the matchmaking session, the project held different presentations about the benefits of bio-based products and materials in replacement for fossil-biobased ones and their impact on climate and the environment; it showcased the results of the researched carried out to identify brand owners’ perceived risks, needs and incentives, as well as consumer attitude; and it introduced different case studies of companies that successfully transitioned from fossil-based to bio-based.

The matchmaking session focused on bio-based packaging solutions, since that’s one of the areas where brand owners are more keen on switching from fossil-based to bio-based approaches, and it brought together different companies, researchers, buyers and suppliers.

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